Stress-Free Storage Solutions for New Parents

Are you a new parent struggling to find space for diapers, baby essentials and clothes? Tackle storage problems with these five stress-free solutions to maximize every inch of your home.

Divide Your Drawers

Maximization can do the trick — one way to do it is by dividing the drawers like you would in your kitchen to separate the mugs from forks and spoons. Divide the compartments and use the small ones to store tiny clothing like the baby’s socks and accessories. Store the onesies and pajamas in a different drawer.

Doing so organizes things better and lets you locate items quickly when necessary. If baby needs a fast change of clothes, you know precisely which drawer to open to grab some onesies.

Take Advantage of Vertical Space

Vertical wall space is often underrated because people overly focus on floor-level storage. Those extra spaces above your head — usually left unused — can help solve your problems.

Install floating shelves or ceiling hanging storage with hooks you can use to tidy toys. Wall-mounted organizers can hold lotions and wipes, while a multi-tiered cart provides easy access to many essentials.

If done correctly, these vertical additions can add an aesthetic flair to your home and function as interior design. As they say, the sky’s the limit when finding spaces to optimize within the home.

Rent a Space

The average bedroom closet size is 4 feet wide by 2 feet deep in a 1,000-square-foot home, which may be insufficient. In this case, consider renting a space. It makes sense for new parents living in a tight space who want the entire area to be for their little one learning to walk.

Renting can accommodate bulky items like furniture, sports equipment, pool toys, holiday decorations and large winter clothes. One tip is to find a facility near your area so you can retrieve your items anytime without traveling far.

Try Portable Storage

Installing wheels on your storage cabinets has plenty of advantages. It’s easy to move items from the bedroom to the living area when cleaning or rearranging furniture pieces without lifting anything. You also don’t have to transfer everything to a box when you relocate — you’ll save time packing the cabinet as is.

In-home storage on wheels is convenient and versatile. Get a fixture at a furniture store or make your own DIY cabinet.

Optimize Every Inch of Your Home for Storage

A clean home often equals peace of mind, so optimize every inch of your abode, including the attic and vertical areas. Rent a space in a reliable storage facility near you if you want more mobility in a cramped home and to solve problems with tight rooms. It’s practical, convenient and clears your mind of clutter.

Contributed by Jack Shaw, senior writer of Modded Magazie

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