Tips for Storing Musical Instruments

Musical instruments are an investment that can last a lifetime if properly maintained. Whether you’re in a garage band and need extra space to store your drum kit, amps and guitars or want to pass down your piano, violin or tuba to future generations, keeping your items safe and accessible in a self storage unit is a great idea for those with little storage space in the home.
As instruments are made of wood, metal, or leather, they can be very sensitive to certain weather conditions, like high temperatures and/or humidity levels. Therefore, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to musical instrument and equipment storage.
4 Musical Instrument Storage Tips
First, always follow any manufacturers’ instructions for storing instruments, as they will include tips like how to specifically clean and prepare them for storage. Then, keep the following musical instrument storage tips in mind:
Rent a climate controlled storage unit.
Since a climate controlled storage unit keeps both the temperature and humidity at constant levels, you can rest assured that your instruments will stay in good shape while in storage. Remember, humidity is an especially big problem when it comes to musical instrument storage, as high humidity can warp or deform wood. Plus extreme cold, dry temperatures can cause cracks in the instruments.
Properly clean and condition the instruments.
Get instruments ready for storage by taking them apart, removing reeds or mouthpieces on wood instruments and cleaning everything thoroughly. Likewise, relax the strings on guitars, violins or other stringed instruments, and condition drums with oil.
Store in original cases.
Cases for musical instruments are manufactured to fit and protect the instruments perfectly. Make sure the inside of the cases are clean and that they aren’t showing any signs of damage or fraying. Furthermore, once in the storage unit, cases should be kept off the floor on a pallet or shelving, away from vents and direct sunlight. For more protection, consider covering the cases with padding or tarps to keep dust away.
Be careful when unpacking.
After instruments have been stored for an extended amount of time, they’ll need some cleaning and tuning before they’ll be able to make beautiful music once again. In fact, the longer the musical instrument has been in storage, the more care it will need. Check for any damage like cracked joints, corrosion or discoloration, and if they do need some professional service, take them in right away to avoid expensive problems in the future.
If you have questions about musical equipment storage, make sure to talk to a self storage professional for guidance. The facility manager can often offer some great advice to ensure your instruments stay safe in your self storage unit.
National Storage have a variety of sizes of storage units available at our locations in Michigan and Ohio for any of your household or business storage needs. Contact us today to learn more.