11 Minimalist New Year’s Resolution Ideas for 2021
After a particularly difficult 2020, it might be time to consider a New Year’s resolution—or maybe even more than one. But large resolutions are more difficult to carry out than smaller ones. That’s why the National Storage have compiled some minimalist tips to help you with your New Year’s resolutions ideas for 2021.
Declutter Your Home and Your Life with These Minimalist Tips
1. Implement Smart Resolutions
More than three-quarters of Americans fail their resolutions within a month and then feel bad about it. By making resolutions less-black-and-white, you can ease into them and give yourself grace.
2. Use the Screen Time App
Your time can be cluttered, too, and smartphones are a big culprit. Use the Screen Time App or another tool that tracks daily, weekly, and monthly screen time to help set limits on how much you use social media and other apps.
3. Learn to Cook a New Dish Every Month
Takeout trash can build up quickly. Cut down on the waste you produce plus eat healthier by committing to cooking one new dish every month; it’s good for your health, your wallet, and even the environment.
4. Schedule Your Cleaning Chores
Commit certain days or hours of the day to all your chores. The consistent rhythm will help build good habits.
5. Declutter Your Workspace
No matter if you’ve been working from home, the office, or another workstation throughout 2020, the new year is a great opportunity to reevaluate and streamline your work habits. Take the time to clean, reorganize, and rearrange your desk or work area for a fresh start.
6. Re-evaluate Your Closet During Laundry
Take note of how often you’re washing certain clothing items. If you don’t end up washing something for a long time, that’s a sign you could easily part with it or store it elsewhere.
7. Get on Cloud Nine with Online Storage
Digital records need storage, too. Whether you’re looking to transfer files off an external hard drive or to scan old paperwork so you can get rid of it, find storage through an online cloud service. Then, you don’t have to worry about the survival of your files and documents.
8. Set Reminders for Repeat Tasks
We all have some sort of regular, recurring tasks to do. Set up automatic reminders on your phone or digital calendar so you don’t waste any paper space or brain space trying to remember yourself.
9. Clean Out That Email Inbox
No matter if you have a few dozen emails left unread or a few thousand—no judgment coming from us—cleaning out your email inbox simply feels amazing. Now, maybe you’ll feel motivated to keep it that way.
10. Check Expiration Dates
From your freezer to your pantry, there are likely some expired items that have been around for a long time. Toss them out.
11. Utilize Self Storage Units
If you’re minimizing clutter in your home and life using these minimalist New Year’s resolutions, there’s one thing that will help no matter what you do: a self storage unit. At properties managed by National Storage, you’ll find storage spanning a wide variety of shapes and sizes at our storage facilities in Ohio and Michigan. Plus, our flexible month-to-month leases make it easier to do that renovation, clean out your home, or turn over a new organizational leaf. Rent your unit online today.