The Best Tips for Planning a Garage Sale
The last few weeks of summer serve a as a great time to host one last garage sale before the holidays and winter months arrive. Although garage sales can be a lot of work, they can be an effective way of making extra cash while getting rid of unneeded items if they are done right.
Garage Sale Tips – How to Ensure a Successful Garage Sale
Garage Sale Pricing Tips
Before developing a pricing strategy, it is important to identify your main goal of the garage sale. If you are just looking to get rid of your unneeded items and declutter, price your items low and advertise that you’ll be willing to negotiate. If you are looking to make some good extra cash from your items, price your items higher, however, be wary of pricing your items too high. People come to a garage sale looking for a deal, and if they see that your items are priced too high, they may just decide to head to the garage sale down the road.
Don’t Fall Short on Advertising
Take the time to advertise for your garage sale. Consider placing an advertisement on Craigslist, creating a Facebook event and putting an advertisement in your local paper the week before. The morning of your garage sale, tape signs around your neighborhood advertising the event with directional signs pointing people back to your house. As a bonus tip, include the highlights of what will be sold at your garage sale on some of the signs. If you are selling a lot of baby items, advertise it.
Be Prepared with Ample Change
Don’t make the amateur mistake of not having enough change for your garage sale. The day before your garage sale, head to your local bank and get different increments of change. If you have items priced for $.50 or $1.50, don’t forget to also ask for quarters.
Team Work Makes the Dream Work
Team up with a friend or other families in your neighborhood and host a combined garage sale. A bargain hunter is more likely to drive a further distance for a multiple family garage sale than a single-family garage sale. Also, the more people advertising your garage sale, the more potential customers you will have.
Supplies, Supplies, Supplies
A good garage sale requires a lot of supplies. Plastic bags for customers to carry their items in, markers and stickers to update prices, tape to secure signs, and the list goes on and on! Plan ahead and make a list of the supplies you will need ahead of time.
Do You Have Items Left Over After Your Garage Sale?
No matter how much time you spend advertising your garage sale and how low your prices are, you will most likely still have some leftover items once the garage sale is over. Items that you no longer want but are still in good shape can be donated to charity. Items that are unusable by a donation center should be thrown out. If you have items you want to keep for future garage sales, put them in a storage unit. This is a smart way to keep your home decluttered while preparing for sales in the future. Do you have questions on what size storage unit you will need? Contact us today to talk to a friendly self storage professional!